Tuesday 16 April 2013

A Few Words on... Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mosquito

Yeah Yeah Yeahs return from a hiatus that saw Karen-O turn into a credible composer and the other two wait for Karen-O to return to the band after becoming a credible composer.

After creating what many called the album of 2009; Yeah Yeah Yeahs follow-up with a return to normality with album number four Mosquito; with one of the most eye-catching yet awful album covers in recent times.

The album is a confusing and dull outing, lacking the energy that made It’s Blitz such an infectiously fun dance album and Fever to Tell the indie-rock darling that so many swear by.

Despite starting of incredibly strong with the gospel-inspired Sacrilege, Mosquito plods at it’s own pace, uninspiring, dragging it’s heels with tracks either far too long and unfocused to make any impact (Subway and These Paths) or lacking any bite or cohesion despite shorter running lengths (e.g. Area 52 and the title track).

Excluding Sacrilege; there’s very little in terms of quality on Mosquito, making it an incredibly difficult album to sit through and one that seemingly lasts a dog’s age.

If you’ve waited four years for It’s Blitz’ follow-up; disappointing doesn’t even come close. Instead, Mosquito is an unmemorable, mostly undistinguishable and monotonous album that, like its namesake, needs to be swatted away.



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